Wireless Heart Rate Module
Option Three - Hold in Both Hands: Wet the electrode
area and connect the module to the strap, but hold the
strap with both hands so that the palm area of each
hand touches the wet electrode area. [NOTE: With this
option, the data quality may vary.]
Software Help
NOTE: See the SPARKvue Help or PASCO Capstone
Help for information about collecting, displaying, and
analyzing data.
In SPARKvue, select the HELP button in any screen
including the Home Screen.
In PASCO Capstone, select PASCO Capstone Help
from the Help menu, or press F1.
Connect the Sensor Wirelessly
Start the PASCO data collection software (such as
PASCO Capstone or SPARKvue).
Setup the PASCO Capstone Software
Wet the electrode area and put the strap around your
PASCO Capstone: Select “Hardware Setup” in the Tools
The sensors are ordered by proximity to the device.
In the Hardware Setup window, select the sensor
that has the alpha-numeric device ID for the “Polar”
After the module and the software connect, the icon
and name of the sensor will appear in the Hardware
Setup window.
Close the Hardware Setup window.
Collect Data
In PASCO Capstone, select one of the QuickStart tem
plate displays in the main window or click one Display
palette. In the display, use the <Select Measurement>
menu to pick a measurement to be shown.
Select Record to begin collecting data. Click Stop to end
collecting data.
Setup the SPARKvue Software
Wet the electrode area and put the strap around your
SPARKvue: In the Home screen, select the “Bluetooth”
icon at the top of the screen. The Wireless Devices win
dow opens.
The sensors are ordered by proximity to the device.
Select the sensor that has the alpha-numeric device
ID for the “Polar” module.
Select Done. A list of measurements appears under
the sensor in the Home Screen.
Collect Data
In the SPARKvue Home Screen, select a
measurement such as heart rate (bpm) from the list
Sensor Range
0 to 240 beats per minute
± 1 beat per minute
1 beat per minute
Maximum Sample Rate
1 per two seconds
Default Sample Rate
1 per five seconds
PASCO Capstone Hardware Setup
SPARKvue Wireless Devices Window