P S - 2 1 5 2
Data Collection
Flow Volume
by integrating Flow Rate data over time. Flow Volume is the net
volume of expired air (total expired volume minus total inspired volume).
Connect the sensor to the interface and connect the interface to your computing
device (such as a computer, tablet, or smart phone). Launch the data collection soft
ware. Set up a graph display of “Total Flow” versus “Time” to show the Pulmonary
Function Test (PFY) datata.
Pulmonary Function Test Procedure
1. Use a nose clip or have the test subject
hold his or her nose to ensure that all
breathing is done through the mouth.
2. Hold the mouthpiece of the Spirometer
stationary and away from air currents
(including expired air). Start data
collection; note the flashing red WAIT
indicator on the sensor. Wait until the
green READY indicator is illuminated
before you move the mouthpiece or
expose it to air currents.
3. After the green READY indicator has
illuminated, place the tapered end of the
between the test subjects’s
front teeth
with the lips creating a seal to
ensure that all inspired and expired air
flows through the mouthpiece.
4. Have the test subject perform the following
sequence of breathing:
Breathe quietly for about four breaths
Perform a forced inspiration followed
immediately by a maximum-effort forced
Breath quietly for two breaths.
5. Stop data collection.
Procedure Notes
Observing the following conditions will allow you to collect consistent and accurate
You may need to run the test a few times in order to get satisfactory data.
The subject should sit up or stand comfortably.
Talk the subject through each inspiration and expiration (this will prevent the
subject from being distracted by counting breathes or remembering the
*When performing the forced
inspiration and expiration, the
subject should try to fill his or
her lungs to maximize
capacity, then exhale as fast
and completely as possible.