A d v a n c e d S t r u c t u r e s S e t
A n g l e C r a n e
Angle Crane: Cord Details
Start with a “V” loop tied to the
top axle. Attach a cord to the “V”
loop. Thread the cord under the top
pulley at the front of the boom.
Bring the cord back
over the pulley on the
top axle and then attach
the cord to the cord
tensioning clip on the
flat connector on the
rear axle at the bottom
of the crane.
Stack masses on the flat
connector to stabilize
the crane.
Thread the ‘load’ cord over
the bottom pulley at the
front of the boom.
Thread the cord over the
pulley on the front top axle.
Attach the ‘load’ cord to
the flat connector on the
front axle.
Loop a cord from
the half round
over the pulley
and back to the
half round.
Repeat on the
other side.
Criss cross cords at the
front and rear of the base.
Experiment with the position of
the top front pulley relative to
the end of the boom to deter-
mine where the tension is least.
Extra Equipment
Hooked Mass Set
Large Slotted Mass Set