Model No. ME-6834
Discover Rotation Platform
Sitting or Laying on the Platform
The stool can also be removed so students
can sit or lie directly on the platform for
rotational studies.
Have the student sit or lie directly on the
platform (see Figure 2).
To study the effects of body position on
rotational inertia, have the student tuck
their arms and legs in or extend them out
while rotating.
For optimal rotation, keep the stool on
a hard floor. The stool may not rotate on
Accelerating the Platform with a Rope
The platform can be accelerated with the push of a hand or the use of a
rope. The rope has the advantage of providing a force at a known
distance from the axis of rotation (torque). This is very useful when
using the
expression to investigate rotational motion.
Slip one end of the rope between the foot rung and the upper
platform, then wind the desired length of rope in the groove (see
Figures 3a and 3b below).
Be sure to pull the rope free when finished applying the torque to
the platform.
It is best to use rope that has minimal stretch. A great way to
measure the force exerted on the platform is to tie the free end of the
rope to a force sensor and pull it to apply the torque (see Figure 4 on
page 4). In all cases, be certain to pull tangent to the platform.
Figure 2
Without the
stool, students have
nothing to hold onto, so
it is important that
students on the platform
wear clothing that is
not too slick. If
necessary, place a non-
skid pad on the upper
platform to add friction
between the rider and
the platform.
Figure 3a
Figure 3b