10m x 15m Peg & Pole Marquee Setup Instructions – Party Warehouse. Page 2 of 3
2) Ground Pegs:
Starting in one corner, insert the ground
pegs approximately 1.5 meters from the
marquee roof. Each peg should be 2.5
meters apart, with three pegs in each
corner at right angels (Refer to
Once the pegs are laid out they can be
hammered in, to ensure the safety of
the marquee once erected the pegs
need to be hammered down to the
3) Raising the Roof:
To prepare, place a pole and a foot by each eyelet around the perimeter of the
roof. Start in one corner and insert the spike of the pole through the eyelet in the
roof, place the foot on and stand the pole up straight.
Attach the guy ropes to the ground pegs. Continue this around the marquee until
all poles are erected. Ensure that the roof is reasonably taut between all the wall
poles, the guy ropes on the side should be tight enough to take the tension but
not to tight at this stage.
Insert centre pole spike through the hole at the centre of the marquee roof, then
attach the second section of the pole, lift and drag the pole until the base is at the
exact middle of the marquee. If the pole is difficult to lift, release some tension
from the guy ropes. Raise
Walk around the marquee straightening all of the wall poles and tightening the
guy ropes, making sure you have got all the slack out of the marquee roof.