PDSP 1000 B2
Use only materials that are suited for use in the
compressed air sandblaster gun . Do not
use quartz sand. This can lead to a dangerous
build-up of silicosis-inducing dust.
Take steps to ensure that others are not incon-
venienced (dust formation).
Ensure that the blasting medium is collected so
that it can be disposed of in an environmentally
friendly manner.
Do not remove any type plates. These contain
important information for the safe operation of
the appliance.
If you are inexperienced with the appliance,
seek training in how to use it safely.
Working with harmful/toxic dusts results in
health hazards for the person operating the
appliance and for other persons in the area.
Connecting the compressed air supply
The compressed air sandblaster gun may
only be operated on cleaned, condensate and
oil-free compressed air and may not exceed the
operating pressure of 6.3 bar at the appliance.
To ensure that you can regulate the air pressure,
the compressed air source should be equipped
with a (filter) pressure reducer.
Connect the compressed air sandblaster gun
to a suitable compressed air source by attaching
the quick-connect coupling of the supply hose to
the nipple on the sandblaster gun .
The connection locks automatically.
Ensure that the control dial is set to "0"
before connecting the appliance to the com-
pressed air source.
Ensure that the appliance is disconnected from
the air supply when not in use, while accesso-
ries are being changed or during repairs. The
air hose may not be left under pressure.
Filling the blasting medium container
Before you open the screw cap on the
blasting medium container , or make any
other settings, the connection to the com-
pressed air hose must be disconnected and
all pressure completely discharged.
Use only suitable blasting medium for your
sandblasting work.
We recommend using a blasting medium
(ground blast furnace slag) with a grain size
of 0.2 mm–0.8 mm and which has been
shown not to cause silicosis.
Please ensure that the blasting medium is
totally dry and not too coarse-grained.
The maximum grain size is 0.8 mm!
Open the screw cap on the blasting medium
container by turning it anti-clockwise.
Fill the required amount of blasting medium
into the blasting medium container .
Ensure that you do not exceed the maximum fill
level for the container of 900 ml.
Afterwards, close the screw cap on the blast-
ing medium container by turning it clockwise.
The larger/coarser the grain size of the blasting
medium used, the coarser the dirt that can be
removed using it. The supplied material, on
the other hand, is fine and thus more suitable
for the removal of items such as paint or rust
film. The fine material also causes less dam-
age to the surfaces being treated, meaning a
choice can be made regarding these.
For coarse rust, for example, it is best to use
a coarse-grained blasting medium which you
can order online (see Chapter "Importer") or
in any good specialist retailer. Please observe
the guidelines regarding maximum grain size.