Parker Sporlan S3C Startup Manual Download Page 1



a.   The S3C setpoints are programmed by 

the various OEMs.


i.  Contact Sporlan if a generic  


  setpoint sheet list is needed. 

b.    They are to be pre-tested by the OEMs.
c.   They are to be set in “Charge” mode by 

the OEMs to enable system evacuation 

and charging. The S3C will automati-

cally switch to Refrigeration mode once 

the controller reads pressure from the 

system via transducer. Changes to moni-

tored setpoints such as case temperature, 

defrost schedule, and other monitored 

store conditions are not writable by 

Sporlan once these devices are connected 

to a BAS. 


i.  Once connected to a BAS, any  


  requests for changes to Case  


  Temp, Defrost start time, Defrosts  


  per day, etc., must be  



  requested through the BAS  



d.   Changes to control methods such as TEV 

versus EEV, EEPR or Mechanical PR, 

Constant On (Rack system) versus Cut 

In/Cut Out (RCU system), Minimum 

Suction Pressure, etc., are typically writ-

able by Sporlan.


a.   Equipment installers are responsible for 

placing the specific case in the desig-

nated location in the store following the 

latest store drawings. OEMs should be 

providing the CASE ID prominently on 

the case. 

b.   The IP address, Device ID, BACnet ID 

and all underlying setpoints are for that 

specific location and usage in the store.


 Technicians may use the Display Module 

(Admin pass code required) or the 

Sporlan Tech Check mobile app to change 

CASE IDs. Contact Sporlan for   

additional help.


 Note: OEMs may have the pressure 

transducer service valve closed to prevent 

damage during evacuation. Open service 

valves prior to charging with refrigerant.


Reference diagram on the next page of 

this guide.

a.   CAT-5 Ethernet cables must be used 

to connect all S3C Controls in a 

comm loop. 


i.  Any CAT-5 run longer than  


  100 meters (328 feet) should be  


  split near the middle and have a  


  network switch (Sporlan Item  


  #2000123) added to boost the  



b.   If connecting to a BAS, there is a 

limit of 38 S3C controllers per BAS 

comm port.

c.   Other brands or types of controllers 

may not be placed on the same comm 

loop with S3C controllers.

d.   The RS-485 line must be landed on 

a specific controller to meet the store 

specs and profiles on the BAS (Novar, 

Emerson, etc).

e.  If the RS-485 address of the BAS is  

  to be something other than the   

  default of “7”, contact Sporlan.  

  If comm issues exist, installers or  

  EMS technicians should report the  

  CASE ID of the landing point, the  

  BAS comm port, and the BACnet  

  address of that BAS comm port to  

  Sporlan. (EX: CASE ID=B.3.a,  

  Novar comm port=4, RS485 address  

  of BAS comm port=8).
f.   All comm lines (CAT-5 and RS-485) 

should be tested for continuity by the 

installers or EMS technicians. 


cable testers offer improved testing to 

ensure high quality communications 



g.  A power cycle is required on any  

  S3C Case Controller that has received  

  changes to CASE ID, BACnet device  

  ID, RS-485 address, etc. 
h.   A power cycle of the BAS (Novar 

or Emerson) is also suggested after 

making any changes to BACnet 



a.   Sporlan cellular gateway

i.  Sporlan Item #2000120 (AT&T) or  


  #2000121 (Verizon).


ii.  To be installed at each site for each  


  comm loop. 


iii. Gateway is connected via CAT-5   


  cable to an open comm port on a   


  S3C Controller. (Beginning or end  


  of CAT-5 comm loop)


iv. Gateway must be registered with    


  Sporlan via the phone number on   


  the label, powered up, have a good  


  and consistent cellular signal, and   


  be connected to a S3C Controller in  


  the comm loop via CAT-5 cable.

b.   Sporlan Tech Check mobile app

i.  Available for iOS (Apple App    



Store) and Android (Google Play). 


ii.  Users must register the app and    



pass S3C training to gain access to  



S3C Controls. 


iii.  Allows an on-site technician  




to connect to the S3C Case  




Control via Bluetooth.


iv.  Can view current measurements    



and settings. 


v.  Can assign a CASE ID, make    



temporary overrides, download    



history, etc. 

c.   Sporlan Tech Check mobile app with 

“Remote Support”


i.  This is a Zoom-based connection  



with a Sporlan support    




representative. (Available only    



on iOS devices.) Uses an internet   



connection between Sporlan  


Sporlan S3C Case Control  

Installation and Operation Manual

For detailed instructions,

scan this QR code or go to

and download Bulletin 100-50-9.1.

S3C Controls

Startup Guide

SD-476 / 92021 

Controller v. A
