Proportional outputs
Instruction book, IQAN
Proportional outputs
The current /PWM outputs control proportional valves and devices. For the current
range and loads, see Appendix A.
To obtain the best performance from proportional valves the controller produces a
PWM current mode (closed loop) output signal or a PWM voltage (open loop) output
signal. The type of output is selectable in IQAN software. The module has an
adjustable frequency which can be changed using IQAN software. For the possible
frequencies, see Appendix A.
Connecting loads to proportional outputs
Connecting a load, e.g. one proportional valve section, to the current mode or PWM
mode outputs is done by using the COUT/CRET paired positions.
DO NOT install diodes across coils for Current or PWM modes!
Positive direction
Connect the proportional valve to the COUT-X, and the CRET-X+, respectively.
Negative direction
Connect the proportional valve to the COUT-X, and the CRET-X-, respectively.
Connecting a load to a proportional output.
Directional Valve
IQAN module