Parker Hannifi n Corporation
Hydraulic Pump/Motor Division
Greeneville, Tennessee USA
Service Manual
HP2 Series Hydrostatic Tandem Pumps
Align center block
to rear housing
Install bolts
Tighten bolts
16. Place center block and front shaft onto
rear housing. Rotating the front shaft, align the
splines on the rear shaft to the coupler. Press
straight down on the center block as the front
shaft is turned.
17. Install two of the four bolts diagonally into
the rear housing and tighten alternately. Make
sure that the rear shaft is still aligned to the
coupler by rotating the front shaft.
If you feel a drag while tightening, back
that side off 1/2 turn and tighten oppos-
ing side a full turn. Try the side that had
a drag again.
18. Install the other two bolts into the rear
housing and tighten all four bolts. Bolts will be
torqued in a later step.