Emergency shutdown
Emergency shutdown
In the event of an emergency, shut down the dryer
as described on page 39.
Startup dryer
On no account place the dryer into service or take the dryer out of service
without inerting it beforehand!
Notes for inerting, see page 15.
Risk of pressure blow when starting the dryer!
At the start of the dryer the container in the pressure build-up or
expansion phase must have the same pressure level.
If the pressure rises too fast, it can cause damage to the dryer.
Open natural gas supply and switch on dryer
For start-up, please proceed in the sequence shown here.
► Purge system with inert gas.
► Ensure that owner-installed natural gas inlet valve and regeneration gas
return valve are closed.
► Ensure that the natural gas network upstream of the dryer is pressurised.
► Switch on dryer: to this end, pressing the key S3 for longer
(>3s) and than briefly pressing the key S2.
Open natural gas inlet valve slowly!
Make sure sudden pressure build-up is avoided! If pressure builds up too
fast, this may cause damage to the dryer. Therefore always open natural
gas inlet valve slowly!
► Slowly open owner-installed natural gas inlet valve upstream of the dryer.
No regeneration!
The regeneration gas return valve must always be opened because
otherwise the regeneration gas escapes through the safety valves to the
disposal line.
► Open owner-installed regeneration gas return valve.
If the dryer is taken into operation for the first time, or after a change of drying
agent, the following intermediate step is meaningful. In the case of a restart
situation, the following intermediate step can be skipped.
Operating the dryer for the first time or after a change of drying agent separately