Power Oxygen Flush—Check Monthly [Mechanical Check]
Supply Pressure at 50 PSIG)
[Note: the O2 flush is monitored for minimum
flow by the MXR-D during every flush button
Disconnect the corrugated rubber tubing from
the bag tee outlet. With both knobs positioned
so the pointer hits the stop, depress the power,
, button while blocking the flow from the
front of the bag tee. For proper operation, the
gas reservoir bag should fill within about 5
seconds. Also Test to Check 3 L Bag / Rubber
Goods for Leaks following Steps 1 through 6 in
the following section.
Quick Test to Check Reservoir Bag / Rubber Goods for Leaks
1. With the flowmeter, bag tee and
rubber goods in place, remove the nosepiece and one
of the two plastic connectors from the Porter rubber goods. Refer to Figure 2.
2. With the other plastic connector, join the two duplex hoses together making a closed system.
3. Taking care not to fill the bag too much (bag could burst), open the Oxygen control valve until
the reservoir bag starts to over-inflate or “balloon”, then close the valve.
4. Observe the reservoir bag for five minutes.
5. The bag should stay inflated. If so, the test has been successful and there are no excessive
leaks. If the bag does not stay inflated, the reservoir bag or rubber goods have an excessive
leak. Replace any parts that leak and retest until results are successful.
6. Disconnect one of the duplex hoses from the plastic connector and re-install the nosepiece.
F i g u re 2
Remove one
connector and
join hoses