Digi Cell Plus - Digital Oil Test Cell Information Guide
SPID Measurement & Storage
Exporting a Sample Point Identification (SPID) Results
Measurement List from DIGI+ to PC
Range Detail
A SPID set is a batch of single tests. A new set is opened and then test results are collected.
Measurements can be repeated, for example, with an H
O measurement, if the test is below the
detection limit and a lower range is needed (from 0.1 % to 20.0 % to a 0.02 % to 1.00 % range on
the same SPID).
Measurements can also be deleted.
A SPID set is kept open until closed – even if DIGI+ goes to sleep or if tests are performed over a
period of a few days.
Once the user has completed all the tests, the batch is closed. The data set is then archived and
is available to be imported into a PC as a results.csv file.
If a result is below the range used, the value stored is the minimum detectable limit for the range:
• either 0.1 %, 0.02 %, 200 ppm or 100 ppm
If a result is above the range used, the value stored is the maximum detectable limit for the range:
• either 10.0 %, 20.0 %, 10000 ppm or 3000 ppm
Only 3 archive files can be stored and displayed (new archive files replace the oldest file.
RESULTS.csv contains the in-progress SPID.
Connect DIGI+
to a PC
DIGI+ will automatically mount as ‘DIGI DRIVE (X:)’
Locate file(s)
on PC
DIGI Drive shows latest 3 archives
and current in-progress set of SPID
measurements as ‘RESULTS’
Result files are dated when they were archived
View results in Excel / Notepad. Data can be archived or analysed for trend monitoring.
21021200.CSV 21021201.CSV