-Please note that stainless steel aft ercoolers should not be used
with sea water. Static sea water is corrosive for stainless steels
and if the sea water is drained, allowing sea ambient air to come
into contact with the water side of stainless steel, corrosion con-
-Cupro Nickel aft ercoolers can benefi t from being passifi ed
prior to use. Passivation is a one time operation achieved by
fl owing clean sea water, from open sea, for a minimum of three
days to create a protective fi lm on the metal surface. Note that
at low sea temperatures the protective fi lm takes longer to form.
Cupro Nickel alloys are sensitive to biological agents and pol-
lutants (sulphate reducing bacteria can produce sulphides that
can start corrosion and pitting) typically present in harbours,
ports and coastal waters and we recommend that for sea water
cooling of Cupro Nickel aft ercoolers that there is constant water
fl ow through the aft ercooler. If the Cupro Nickel aft ercooler is
typically used on board vessels in port side water or dirty sea
water then we recommend fl ushing the aft ercooler with clean
sea water as soon as the vessel leaves port and is in open waters
as would occur if the water fl ow is constant as previously rec-
ommended. If, however, the installation is permanently in dirty
water, for example a harbour installation or a fl oating station, it
is recommended to introduce a clean sea water fl ush process or
to install a secondary hydraulic circuit to ensure that clean water
is used through the aft ercooler. Verify and clean the aft ercooler
tube bundle at least quarterly.
-All water-cooled aft ercoolers need to be protected against rust
or other solid particles entering the cooling water inlet of the
aft ercooler. Avoid excessive water fl ow above 2-3 m/s which can
damage the compressed air/gas tubes at the water inlet section.
- Avoid too leaving the water side drained of water. For remov-
able tube bundles do not use metallic brushes which can damage
the tubes.