Connecting Your T/DQ-1600
Audio Connections
Before making any connections, turn off the power to your preamplifier and power amplifier. This will
avoid an accidental “blast” of sound which could damage your speakers.
Connect the cables supplied between the OUTPUT jacks on your T/DQ-1600 and any high level input
jacks on your preamplifier or receiver marked TUNER, CD, AUX or TAPE PLAY. Connect the RIGHT
and LEFT channels according to their markings on both units. Make certain that all your connections are
secure and that there is no tension on the cables which could cause them to pull loose later.
You may prefer to try premium audio interconnect cables which are available from your Parasound
dealer. The benefits of these are debated among audio hobbyists, and we cannot guarantee you will
always hear an audible improvement that will justify their cost.
You may connect the output of your T/DQ-1600 directly to a power amplifier which has input level
controls, however you may require the additional gain of a preamplifier to reach adequate listening levels.
Once the inputs have been connected, plug the AC cord into any convenient outlet or into an outlet on the
rear panel of your preamplifier or receiver. Try to run the AC cord in a perpendicular direction to the
audio cables to minimize hum.
FM Antenna Connections
Adequate FM reception and subsequent sound quality is largely dependent upon your choice and location
of the antenna. There are several options to consider when selecting an antenna and connecting it to your
Dipole Antenna
A standard FM "folded dipole" antenna is included with your T/DQ-1600. The dipole antenna is
adequate for most urban and suburban locations and is very easy to install. Simply connect the spade
connectors to the screws marked 300
on the supplied balun adapter and connect the adapter to the round
"F" connector on the rear panel of your T/DQ-1600.
Outdoor Antenna
For best reception and maximum noise rejection, we recommend the use of a high-quality outdoor FM
antenna. Although this requires a little extra effort, the additional stations you can receive and the
superior sound quality will be well worthwhile. For best noise rejection, use 75
cable with an "F"
connector and connect the antenna directly to your T/DQ-1600. If you use 300
twin lead cable, use the
balun adapter as described above.
Cable Transmission
Many cable companies transmit FM stations and cable TV audio signals along with the cable TV
channels. With some cable operators, the quality of the signal can be very good depending on the quality
of their transmitter. Connection to your T/DQ-1600 is as simple as connecting a signal splitter to the
cable output and connecting a 75
cable to both your T/DQ-1600 and your television. Check with your
local cable company to check for the availability of FM stations in your area and any additional charges
for this service.
"Powered" Antennas
Small powered indoor antennas are sometimes useful when it is impractical to install an outdoor antenna
or when FM transmission is not available. However, they can sometimes add noise and distortion to the
RF signal. In most cases, you can receive signals better with the supplied dipole antenna. Use discretion
when using these types of antennas.