**Checksum Field: The absolute value calculated by exclusive-OR the 8 data bits of each
character in the Sentence,between, but excluding “$” and “*”. The hexadecimal value of
the most significant and least significant 4 bits of the result are convertted to two ASCII
characters (0-9,A-F) for transmission. The most significant character is transmitted
: Hex 0D 0A
B). Navigation lnitialization ID
101 Parameters required for start
This command is used to initialize the module for a warm start, by providing current position
in X, Y, Z
,clock offset, and time. This enables the receiver to search for the correct satellite signals at the
correct signal parameters. Correct initialization parameters will enable the receiver to acquire signals more
quickly, and thus, produce a faster navigational solution.
When a valid Navigation Initialization command is received, the receiver will restart using the input
parameters as a basis for satellite selection and acquisition.
X coordinate position
Y coordinate position
Z coordinate position
Clock offset of the receiver in Hz, Use 0 for last
saved value
if available.
If this is unavailable, a default value of 75000
for GSP1, 95000 for GSP 1/LX will be used.
GPS Time Of Week