Copyright © Parallax Inc.
Propeller QUADROVER Robot (#28195)
v1.3 7/8/2008 Page 16 of 16
5.4. Control Sequence
The following control sequences are used by the control board to drive the QUADROVER:
Direction of Travel
Control Sequence
Driving forward
Increase gas engine throttle proportional to the desired speed.
Driving in reverse
1. Decrease gas throttle servo to idle.
2. Wait for the QUADROVER to come to a full stop.
3. Engage both flow-reverse valves.
4. Increase gas throttle servo proportional to the desired speed.
5. Do not disengage the flow-reverse valves while driving in reverse.
Returning to forward
6. Decrease gas throttle servo to idle.
7. Wait for the QUADROVER to come to a full stop.
8. Disengage both flow-reverse valves.
9. Increase gas throttle servo proportional to the desired speed.
Turning in place
1. Decrease gas throttle servo to idle.
2. Wait for the QUADROVER to come to a full stop.
3. Engage the reversing solenoid on the side of the QUADROVER that it will
be turning toward.
4. Increase gas throttle servo proportional to desired speed.
Turning while
1. Engage the cutoff solenoid on the side of the QUADROVER that it will be
turning toward.
2. Gradually engage the brake, located on the same side of the
QUADROVER, proportional to the desired turn rate.
Please see the example code available for download from the Propeller QUADROVER product page at
6.1. Changes for Version 1.1
Section 1.0 Safety Precautions: Introductory paragraph modified; additional bullet item regarding material
safety data sheets added. Section temp 6.0 Document Revision History added.
6.2. Changes for Version 1.2
Change to section 1.2 Technical Specifications: dimensions corrected. Additions to Section 1.4 Packing
List: R/C radio controller system; four 14-inch servo extension cables. Former Section 4.0 split into
sections 4.0 Setup Instructions and 5.0 Operating Instructions. Section 4.1 Supplies Needed list has
changed; please review. Additions to 5.1 Maintenance Instructions: item 6 regarding tire pressure
adjustment; item 7 regarding storage. Addition to 5.2 Additional Instructions: item 3 regarding the roll-
6.3. Changes for Version 1.3
Introduction and Disclaimer of Liability updated. Warranty added. Section 1.0 Safety Precautions
updated. Section 1.1 Description updated. Section 1.4 Packing List: added Prop Plug and USB cable.
Changes in section 4.2 Preparation: Order of steps has changed (gas is added later in the procedure).
Instructions updated to reflect replacement of hydraulic reservoir’s plug with pressure relief valve.
Instructions added for the installation of the roll-cage and connection of the fuel line. Section 5.2
Additional Instructions: added new instructions regarding the pressure relief valve. Minor editorial
changes throughout.