Parallax Boe-Bot Whisker Kit Instructions Download Page 2


Parallax, Inc 


Whisker Kit Instructions (June 2000)  





Hardware and Circuits



Below is a whisker diagram in case you decide to build your own.  Any firm yet springy wire will do the job. 




Whiskers are just physical extensions that actuate normally open switches, and they’re easy to build.  Here’s how: 


(a)  Remove the two front screws that hold 

your Board of Education to the front 



(b) Screw in the male/female standoffs 

included in the whiskers kit in place of 

the screws that were removed in step (a).


(c)  Sandwich the open ended loop of each 

whisker between the top of the standoff 

and the nylon washers included in the kit.


(d)  Use the screws from step (a) to attach 

the nylon washers and whiskers to the 

standoffs from step (b).  


(e)  Each whisker should hang over the 

breadboard so that it could touch one of 

the three pin headers when pressed.  See 

Whiskers diagram.








Whiskers wiring diagram (note that the three-pin header has been 

cut down to two-pin size in this drawing) 


The Whisker schematics are shown below.  This schematic does not show the servos.  If you want to use the sample 

code on the next page, make sure to also connect the servo control lines to P14 (right servo) and P15 (left servo).





