Parallax, Inc.
Boe-Bot Tank Tread Kit (#28106)
Confirm that the servos are mounted correctly.
If your servos are mounted the opposite way, remove them and remount as shown. Attach the sides
using 3/8
screws and nuts. Then attach the servo horn (with wheel) using the screw that came with the
servo. See Figure 6.
Figure 6: Attach Sides with 3/8
Screws and Attach Servo Horn with Wheel
Attach the remaining wheels by first tightening the nut on the wheel then loosening it a ¼ -1/3 a turn.
Mount with a nut on each side of the frame. When the two nuts on each wheel are tightened, check to
see that the wheel and outside nut has a small gap to allow for easy rolling. See Figure 7.
Figure 7: Mount Roller Wheels
When mounting the wheels make sure there is a small gap between the wheel and the nut so the wheel
can roll easily. Leave a small gap so the wheel can turn freely. Mount the remaining wheels shown in
Figure 8.
Figure 8: Mount the Remaining Wheels with 3/8