Copyright © Parallax Inc.
Key Fob Remote (#700-10016)
v1.0 5/24/2013 Page 3 of 3
The Key Chain Remote has four buttons. The large buttons are labeled A and B; the smaller buttons are
labeled C and D. The table below shows which pins on the Receiver Board that become active “high”
(5 VDC @ 40 mA) when its corresponding button is pressed. When a button is released, its pin goes back
to common ground, “low” state.
Key Chain Button
Receiver Board Pins
VT & D1
VT & D2
VT & D3
VT & D4
Adding Additional Remotes
The Remote and Receiver PCB are pre-synchronized. You can synchronize the PCB with additional
keychain remotes by pressing and holding down the PCB’s “pairing button” while pressing any of the
buttons on the Remote want to add.
Changing the Remote’s Battery
The remote uses one size 27A, 12 V alkaline battery. The remote comes with the battery pre-installed,
and it may be replaced if needed. To access the battery compartment, remove the three tiny Phillips-
head screws on the back of the remote, and remove the back cover.
Transmit LED