Copyright © Parallax Inc.
Propeller QuadRover Robot (#28195) Example Program Instructions
v1.0 6/16/2008 Page 2 of 3
Equipment Required
QuadRover Robot with Propeller Control Board
A standard digital four-channel R/C airplane or helicopter radio system with some form of error
detection to prevent radio interference from causing a loss of control
The Propeller Tool software v1.1 or higher, and the Parallax Serial Terminal software, running on
a computer with an available USB port. The software installers are available free from the
Downloads link at
A Prop Clip (#32200) or Prop Plug (#32201) with a USB A to Mini B cable (#805-00006)
Four female/female servo extension cables (#805-00012)
Step 1: Preparation
Read, understand, and follow all of the instructions in the Propeller QuadRover Robot
documentation to prepare the unit for its initial use. The most recent version of this document
will be posted on the 28195 product page at
Firmly mount the QuadRover on a stable, elevated platform so that its wheels can spin freely and
it cannot shake loose.
Read and understand all of the instructions that came with your RC controller and receiver units.
Load your RC controller and receiver units with verified new or fully recharged batteries.
Connect your Prop Clip or Prop Plug to the Propeller Control Board, and then connect it to the
computer with the USB cable.
Extract all Propeller .spin files in this archive into one folder on your computer.
Open 'QuadRoverControl_v1.0.spin', then press Ctrl+T to set it as the top object file. When
modifying any of the included objects, press Ctrl+F9/F10/F11 compile/load RAM/load EEPROM.
Step 2: Connect the receiver and set the trims on the R/C transmitter.
Connect the R/C receiver to the Propeller Control Board.
Following the diagram below, use four female to female servo extension cables to connect
channels one through four of the R/C receiver to auxiliary connections 8 through 12 on the
Propeller Control Board. It is important that channels one through eight are connected in order to
connections 8 through 12 on the Propeller Control Board, otherwise the QuadRover will consider
the R/C receiver's output to be invalid.