Copyright © Parallax Inc.
Product Name (#28106)
v2.1 5/5/2009 Page 3 of 4
Step 6:
Attach the sides first, using 3/8” length
screws and nuts as shown. Then attach the servo
horn (with wheel) using the screw that came with the
Step 7:
Attach the remaining wheels by first
tightening the nut on the wheel then loosening it 1/4
to 1/3 of a turn. Attach the wheel assembly to the
frame with a nut and a lock washer on the inside of
the frame. When the two nuts on each wheel are
tightened, check to see that there is a very small gap
between the wheel and outside nut to allow for easy
rolling, as shown.
Step 8:
Mount the remaining wheel assemblies with
lock washers and nuts. When tightening, leave a very
small gap on the wheel side so the wheel can turn
freely, as shown.
Step 9:
Separate all the rubber tread pieces and connect together as shown below. Each loop contains 1
long, 2 medium and 2 short treads. Please do not pull the treads to disconnect from one another; please use
scissors or an X-acto
knife. Pulling on the treads will stretch them beyond use. Check each wheel to make
sure it rolls without binding. If any wheels bind, loosen the nut and remount to maintain a very small gap
between the wheel and nut. Carefully stretch the tread over the wheels.