Programming Overview:
After pressing the PROGRAM key, the EL7100 and EL7200 will continue to control the outputs
based on the events that were operating at the time the PROGRAM key was pressed. The
control will not check for new events until it has gone through a status update.
The control remains fully functional after pressing the REVIEW key, provided the REVIEW key
wasn't pressed while in the programming mode.
During operation, the control will be in the RUN mode. When programming (or reviewing), the
order of the program headers and steps is as follows:
TIME - set time, date, daylight savings time
EVNT - on, off
HOL - set holidays
From the HOL header, the control will loop around to the TIME header. The OVER (over-ride)
mode is only accessible from the RUN mode. The following is a detailed explanation of each
In all modes use the NEXT key to advance to the next item to be programmed or reviewed,
and the PREVIOUS key to go back to the previous item. Use the + and - keys to modify the
current (flashing) item.