Form 42-01-00-00 version 7b
To our valued customer,
Thank you for choosing a product by
Paragon Pro
Manufacturing Solutions. We are pleased that we are able to provide equipment to make your
work easier.
Our efforts are focused on producing the finest quality equipment of which we are capable.
We make sure to spend extra time and effort on our design and production in order to reduce
your time and effort spent using the product.
We take pride in providing the best for our customers. Quality, innovation, and excellence are
all qualities this company ensures. No product is sent without being factory tested and inspected
to ensure the highest quality for you.
It all began in 1972 when Roland Young designed our first product, the PANELLIFT® Brand
Drywall Lift, and revolutionized the drywall industry. To this day we are continuously making ad
vancements is manufacturing and design.
Thank you again for giving us the opportunity to work with you. Any questions or comments
that you have are always welcome.
Paragon Pro
M a n u f a c t u r i n g S o l u t i o n s