February 2001
Table 3.
Copy Ports Options
From: Port n
Possible Settings: 1, 2
Default Setting: 1
Controls the source of the configuration options.
To: Port y
Possible Settings: 1, 2
Default Setting: 2
Controls the target of the configuration options.
Peer IP Address and Circuit Identifier are not copied.
Table 4.
System Options
DSL Mode
Possible Settings: LTU, NTU
Default Setting: LTU
Controls whether the unit is configured as a control unit or tributary unit.
Changing this option will reset the unit.
Test Timeout
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Enable
Allows tests to end automatically. The feature should be enabled when the unit is
remotely managed, so that control can be regained after a test is accidentally executed.
Test Duration (min)
Possible Settings: 1–120
Default Setting: 10
Number of minutes for a test to be active before automatically ending.
Test Duration (min) option appears when Test Timeout is enabled.
Telco Initiated Loopback
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Enable
Determines if the unit will respond to inband or bit oriented protocol loopback
commands on the DSX-1 interface.
Remote Telco Line Loopback
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Disable
Determines if the unit will perform a Telco initiated loopback on just the local unit or if
the loopback will be performed on the remote DSL unit.