March 1999
Table 2.
G.703 Interface Options
Port Status
Possible Settings: Enabled, Disabled
Default Setting: Enabled
Specifies whether the port can be configured and used to transmit and receive data.
Possible Settings: Framed, Unframed
Default Setting: Framed
Specifies whether G.704 framing is used for the G.703 interface.
Line Framing (LTU Only)
Possible Settings: CRC4, noCRC4
Default Setting: noCRC4
Specifies the framing format to be used by the G.703 interface.
Line Framing is only available when the standalone unit is configured as an LTU,
AutoRate is disabled, and the DSL Line rate is 2064 kbps. Otherwise the noCRC4
framing format is used. The NTU is automatically configured to match the framing
format used by the LTU.
Line Coding
Possible Settings: AMI, HDB3
Default Setting: HDB3
Specifies the line coding format for the G.703 interface.
Time Slot 16 (LTU Only)
Possible Settings: Signaling, Data
Default Setting: Signaling
Specifies whether the G.703 interface is used for voice or data.
Send AIS on Network Failure
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Enable
Specifies the action taken on the signal transmitted to the G.703 when a valid signal
cannot be recovered from the network interface (LOS or conditions OOF, AIS, or EER).
Primary Clock Source
Possible Settings: G.703, Internal
Default Setting: Internal
Specifies where the unit will derive its timing from.
Primary Clock Source is only available when the standalone unit is configured as
an LTU.