If you are . . .
Then return to . . .
Selecting another port
Change MUX Opts, Step 7.
The Edit /Save screen.
10. Select SAVE.
Network Verification Testing
Perform verification testing after any installation.
1. Request a device Identity report from each tributary to ensure that the DSU is
addressed properly (ID from the Status branch).
The Model 3610 is delivered with its network address set to 254.
2. Perform a Digital Test on the DDS circuit to ensure that the network is functioning
(DT from the Test branch).
Perform a Digital Test on each:
— Active port when MUX Funct is set to TDM
— Tributary DSU when MUX Funct is set to MCMP
control DSU
can originate a Digital Test in a point-to-point or multipoint
network. Use Position in the Diagnostic General configuration option table to
set a unit to Cntrl.
tributary DSU
can originate a Digital Test in a point-to-point network only,
provided the configuration option Respond to Remote Digital Loopback
(RespondRDL) is enabled in the control.
Front Panels
The front panel is the user interface to the DSU. There are two types of front panels:
Front panel on the Model 3610 DSU.
SDCP (shared diagnostic control panel) used with the Model 3611 DSU in a
COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier.
Front panel operation does not vary with the addition of DSU options (DBM, TDM,
MCMP, or SNA Diagnostic Interface). However, menu or selection displays may vary
based on installed options. Refer to the User’s Guide for basic front panel, display,
keypad, and menu function information.