| S0000473 | January 2022 rev6
© Pandrol 2022
Examine the condition of each element of the HFP for:
- the pressure gauge must be in good condition, the windows not broken and the boxes not distorted,
- the gas hose must not be split, cracked or cut,
- the connections at both ends of the hose must be in good condition and correctly tightened.
- the body of the HFP must be clean, not show any signs of damage,
- the outlet nozzle of the HFP preheater must not be scaled or damaged by oxidation,
If any of these conditions are not met, the HFP must be immediately removed from service.
4.4 Handling the HFP
To preserve health and wellbeing of the users, the following rules must be followed when handling the HFP.
Handling the HFP box
1. The full HFP set is sold with a transport box. The box weight 49kg.
2. To reduce stress on the user body, the users must avoid when possible, to carry the HFP:
a. Use lifting equipment such has hoist whenever it is possible. In that case, web sling must be put
around the handles.
b. Use the wheels to transport the box whenever it is possible.
3. If the HFP case must be transported by hand, 2 persons are required; The HFP case must be put down
every 10m to allow the users to have a rest.