Limited warranty
Pandrol, INC warrants to the original purchase of this product that the product will be free from defects in material
and workmanship for the period of one (1) year after the delivery of such product to the customer. Other equipment
and parts used, but not manufactured by Pandrol are covered directly by the warranty of the manufacturer of those
products. Proof of purchase must be documented including reference to a serial number located on each tool.
The purchaser’s only remedies under this limited warranty shall be limited at Pandrol’s sole option to the following:
repair, replacement or refund of the purchase price of the defective products. Each of these remedies requires
timely notification of the defect in the product and substantiation that the product has been properly stored,
maintained and used. Pandrol’s obligations hereunder extend only to the purchaser of the product and not to any
third party.
As a condition precedent to Pandrol’s obligation hereunder, the defective product must not have been altered or
modified without the express written approval of Pandrol. The product must not have been subjected to deliberate
damage, shipping damage, neglect, tampering by unauthorized personnel or damage by improper use, storage or
maintenance. Serial numbers must not have been altered, defaced or removed. Such action voids limited warranty.
Exclusions to limited warranty
This limited warranty is exclusive and is in lieu of any other warranty, written or oral, expressed or implied,
including, without limitation, any implied warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Limited warranty does not cover normal wear and tear items such as filters, hoses, couplers, bits, sockets, augers,
and batteries
Limitation of liability
Except as provided above, Pandrol shall in no event be liable or responsible for any injury, loss or damage, direct,
incidental or consequential, arising out of the use or misuse or inability to use the product, however caused and
on any theory of liability including, without limitations, breach of contract, tort, (including negligence or street
liability) and not withstanding any failure of any remedy herein of its essential purpose, even if Pandrol was aware
of this possibility of such damage. Pandrol’s limited warranty as set forth above shall not be enlarged, diminished
or affected by, and no obligation or liability shall arise or go out of the rendering of technical advice or service by
Pandrol or its agents. The foregoing may not be changed except by written agreement signed by an authorized
officer of Pandrol, the remedies set forth herein are exclusive.
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@Pandrol 2021