User manual
Pandora DXL-0100L/0101L service-security system
Warranty obligations
Manufacturer guarantees correct operation of the service-security system if exploitation,
installation, storage and transportation conditions described in this manual were met.
The system should only be used according to installation scheme and user manuals.
The system is meant to be installed by the professional car electronics installers. We recognize
that outside Russia the system can be installed by amateurs – those installations are still a subject
of limited warranty. The installer should fill in installation certificate that is included in this manual.
Parts malfunctioning during warranty period on the fault of the manufacturer should be repaired
or replaced by the installation center of the manufacturer or by certified service center. List of certified
service centers outside Russia can be found on pandorainfo.com
The user loses the right for warranty services in the following cases:
• when warranty period expires;
• if exploitation, installation, storage or transportation conditions were not met;
• if there is mechanical damage of the external parts of the system after it is sold. This includes: fire
damage, consequential damage in case of car accident, aggressive liquids and water seeping damage,
damage caused by improper use;
• if the damage was caused with incorrect settings and parameter adjustment;
• if system devices are replaced with any devices that are not recommended by the manufacturer;
• if manufacturer sealing is broken;
• if there is no properly filled warranty card and installation certificate.
Warranty period is 3 years since the moment of purchase, but no more than 3,5 (three and a half)
years since the moment of production.
This warranty does not include batteries of the remotes, as they have their own service life time.
Maintenances and repairs of the system with expired warranty period are carried out at the
expense of the user on a separate contracts between the user and the installer/service center.
Transportation rules
Products should be transported in the original packaging by any means of transport as long as
they are protected from mechanical damage and precipitation.
Packaged products should be stored on racks in piles of 6 or less boxes, in enclosed, dry, heated
rooms (no less than 1m from heating) which exclude possible interaction with moisture, oil products
and damaging environmental factors.
Installation certificate
I, the undersigned ________________________________________________________________
Position, name
professional installer, certify that installation of the service-security system, specified below, was
carried out by me in accordance with manuals and schemes provided by the manufacturer.
Car specifications:
Car model _________________________________________________________________________________
Type ______________________________________________________________________________________
ID number (VIN) ____________________________________________________________________________
Registration number ________________________________________________________________________
Security system specifications:
Pandora DXL-0100L/0101L
Serial number ______________________________________________________________________________
Service center name, full address and installer’s stamp ____________________________________________
Work accepted________________/___________________________________/
Date «____»___________________20___y