16.5.30 Input Over Current Detection (F16)
Malfunction Decision Conditions:
During operation of cooling and heating, when outdoor current above 11.8 A (UX09HE8, UX12HE8) and 16.5 A
UX16HE8) is detected by the current transformer (CT) in the outdoor unit PCB.
Malfunction Caused:
1 Excessive refrigerant.
2 Faulty outdoor unit PCB (main).
Abnormality Judgment:
Continue 3 times in 20 minutes.
Is the measured AC current
over 11.8 A (UX09HE8,
UX12HE8) and 16.5 A
Get restarted and measure
the AC current from the
outdoor LIVE terminal.
Replace the outdoor unit
PCB (main).
Check refrigerant amount.
Excess refrigerant?
Reclaim and recharge with
correct amount of refrigerant.
Replace the outdoor unit
PCB (main).
For safety reason and to prevent component breakdown,
always switch off the power before remove and connect the component.