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Speech Powered by Dragon
2002-2014 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
“PlayReady” is a trademark registered by Microsoft. Please be aware of the
(a) This product contains technology subject to certain intellectual property
rights of Microsoft. Use or distribution of this technology outside of this
product is prohibited without the appropriate license(s) from Microsoft.
(b) Content owners use Microsoft PlayReady™ content access technology to
protect their intellectual property, including copyrighted content. This device
uses PlayReady technology to access PlayReady-protected content and/or
WMDRM-protected content. If the device fails to properly enforce restrictions
on content usage, content owners may require Microsoft to revoke the
device’s ability to consume PlayReady-protected content. Revocation should
not affect unprotected content or content protected by other content access
Content owners may require you to upgrade PlayReady to access their
If you decline an upgrade, you will not be able to access content that requires
the upgrade.
© 2013 CSR plc and its group companies.
The aptX® mark and the aptX logo are trade marks of CSR plc or one of its
group companies and may be registered in one or more jurisdictions.
This product incorporates the following software:
(1) the software developed independently by or for Panasonic Corporation,
(2) the software owned by third party and licensed to Panasonic Corporation,
(3) the software licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC
LICENSE Version 2.1 (LGPL V2.1) and/or,
(4) open sourced software other than the software licensed under the LGPL
The software categorized as (3) and (4) are distributed in the hope that it will
be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty
Please refer to the detailed terms and conditions thereof shown in the
“Software License” menu on this product.