3. Caution in Use of Rechargeable Battery
- Take Rechargeable Battery out of Carrying Case and use iy. Be
sure to carry Rechargeable Battery in this Carrying Case. If not,
may either head or ignite by shorting with a metal.
4. Location of Controls
5. Operation Checks and Component Replacement /
1. This section describes procedures for checking the operation of
the major printed circuit boards and replacing the main
components. /
2. For reassembly after operation checks or replacement, reverse
the respective procedures special ressembly procedures are
described only when required.
3. Select item from the following index when checks or replacement
are required.
1. Checking for the main P.C.B.
2. Checking for the memory P.C.B.
3. Checking for the tuner P.C.B.
4. Checking for the LCD ass’y.
5. Checking for the prevent electrostatic discharge.
5.1. Removal of the battery cover
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