The PDP context may also be defined manually via a terminal program (57600 Baud,
8 Databits, No Parity, 1 Stopbit, flow control). Start the terminal program. Define
the PDP context using the “AT+CGDCONT” command:
AT+CGDCONT=1,ip,internet.t-d1.de <RETURN>
Close the terminal program when finished to free the communication port.
instead of
as the phone number entry in the dial up net-
work, in order to activate the PDP context with the predefined values. Otherwise, the
computer will ignore the predefined values and activate the PDP context with the de-
fault values.
Define the QoS profile
After the PDP context definition specific optional QoS parameters like delay class or
mean throughput rate can be set before activating the PDP context with the Dial-up
network. This can be done via a terminal program (57600 Baud, 8 Databits, No Parity,
1 Stopbit, flow control).:
Start the terminal program. Define the parameters using the “AT+CGQMIN” and/or
“AT+CGQREQ” commands. Close the terminal program when finished to free the
communication port.
Set up a GPRS call
Select [My Computer] - [Network and Dial-up Connections].
Select the connection you just created.
Enter the user name and password to be re-
quested the local provider, then select [Dial].
The QoS AT commands can only be used when a PDP context has been defined. In
order to activate the PDP context with the predefined QoS values,
instead of
must be selected as the phone number entry. However, if
selected, the computer will ignore the predefined values and activate the PDP con-
text with the default QoS values.
(This screen is a sample.)