Operation (continued)
Auto/Sensor Cook
You can cook some food with special Sensor /Auto program. (See Voice Cooking Chart on Page.
Auto Reheat
"Alexa, Reheat Y (cups of) X."
X is the food name and Y is the food weight or quantity you’d like to reheat. For
example, to cook 2 cups of Coffee, say “Alexa, reheat 2 cups of Coffee.” Please refer
Notes on Page. 29 for Auto Reheat Cooking.
Sensor Cook
"Alexa, Microwave X."
"Alexa, Cook X."
"Alexa, Melt Y ounce of X."
"Alexa, Soften Y ounce of X."
X is the food name you’d like to cook with sensor.
For example, to cook Potato, say “Alexa, microwave Potato.” Or “Alexa, cook Potato.”
You don' need to mention about weight or quantity.
Please refer Notes on Page. 30 - 31 for Sensor Cooking.
X is the food name and Y is the food weight you’d like to melt/soften.
For example, to melt five ounce of butter, say “Alexa, melt five ounce of Butter.”
Please refer Notes on Page. 33 for Melt/Soften Cooking.
Continued on the
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