Tanda - Tanda
Sebab - Sebab
Child Lock
Child Lock
Buzzer does not stop and the water
is drained.
“Buzzer” tidak berhenti dan air
• Has the mode been set to the Child Lock mode? When the
tub contains water in the Child Lock mode, the machine starts
draining while activating the emergency alarm if the lid is left open
for 10 seconds or more. (Please refer page 35)
• Adakah mode dilaraskan kapada "Child Lock mode"? Bila
tab mengandungi air di dalam "Child Lock mode", mesin mula
membuang air sambil menghidupkan amaran kecemasan jika
penutup ditinggalkan terbuka untuk lebih dari 10 saat. (Ruju kepad
muka surat 35)
Penyelesaian Masalah
• Check if the powdered synthetic detergent was directly put into
the tub, or was put in the softner drawer.
• Always put the detergent into the "Detergent / Bleach inlet"
(See page 12).
• Periksa sama ada serbuk pencuci sintetik berkenaan telah
dimasukkan secara terus atau melalui laci bahan pelembut.
• Sentiasa masukkan bahan pencuci ke dalam "bekas bahan pencuci"
(Rujuk kepada muka surat 12)