M-900 X X X Series
M-1200 X X X Series
Image Tilt Adjustment-------,
V R 12 Pedestal Level ____ _:.;
VR11 Subcent------'
VR33 V. Lin -------i
Vertical Hold (VR31):
Stabilizes the raster vertically.
Vertical Height (VR32):
Adjusts the height of the active display area.
Vertical Linearity (VR33):
Adjusts the height of the characters with in the active
display area.
Horizontal Hold (VR41):
(Compsite only)
VR41 can be considered a fine arljustment for the
horizontal stability and position of the display area
Adjust VR41 to center the display area.
Horizontal Width (L403):
Adjusts the width of the active display area.
Sub Bright:
'Th is control ad just the rast er brightness. ( 1 nternal)
just the brightness of the raster.
(Remote of customer)
-----Geometrie Positioning Magnets (4)
----Centering Magnets
----VR64 Focus
�---VR67 Sub-Bright
Focus (VR64):
Adjusts the focus in the center of the active display area.
Keep the whole picture uniform and then adjust itto the
best point.
Tilt Adjustment (1):
The tilt adjustment entails the use yoke clamp.
Loosening the yoke clamp and rotati ng the yoke either
clockwise or counter-clockwise corrects the tilt Df the
Centering Magnets (2):
( Located on the yoke between the yoke elec1rical
termination and the yoke clamp.) These contro I s are
used to center the raster vertically.
Geometrie Positioning Magnets (4):
( Located around the yoke periphery) adjusts the geo
metric shape of the active display area.
Sub cont (Composite type only) VR11:
Controls the brightness of characters by changing input
signal level.
Pedestal level (Composite type only)
Sets the standard of pedestal \evel by means of VR 12.