14 Bar code object
Number of digits: 13 digits plus check digit
GS1 DataBar Limited CC-A, GS1 DataBar Stacked CC-A
GS1 DataBar composite bar codes consist of a 1D (linear) part beneath the 2D part (CC-A)
and a separator between them. The 1D part is either a GS1 DataBar Limited or GS1 DataBar
Stacked bar code.
AI prefix codes can be used in the code data. They define the meaning and the format of the
data that follows.
The 2D part (CC-A) supports the following characters:
• 0–9, A–Z, a–z, space character, symbols ! " % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? _
• Function 1 Symbol Character (FNC1)
Number of characters for the 2D part (CC-A): Max. 56
Related topics
Set parameters for GS1 DataBar
14.2 Create a bar code object
To create a bar code object, use the “Bar code” tool in the ribbon.
1. In the “Marking settings” screen, select “Bar code”.
2. Select one of the following bar code types from the menu: “CODE128 (GS1-128)”,
“CODE93”, “CODE39”, “ITF”, “EAN/UPC/JAN”, “NW-7 (CODABAR)”, “GS1 DataBar”.
For “GS1 DataBar”, select one of the following bar code types from the submenu: GS1
DataBar Limited, GS1 DataBar Limited CC-A, GS1 DataBar Stacked, GS1 DataBar
Stacked CC-A.
The “Code data” dialog opens.
3. Input the characters that you want to encode.
• Application Identifiers (AI) can be used for GS1-128 and GS1 DataBar composite bar
• GS1 DataBar composite bar codes: Input the data for the 1D part in the “Character
input (1D)” tab and for the 2D part in the “Character input (2D)” tab.