Ref. No. 2D
Procedure 2D
Assembly of the Adjusting Screw and the Clutch Handle.
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
1. Hold the driving block with the click spring on top, and align the
smallest projection of adjusting screw with the clutch case at 5 o´clock
Make sure that the adjusting screw has its own correct direction
for proper assembly.
Failure to do so, the clutch handle does not rotate properly. (See
Fig. 11)
2. Turn the adjusting screw into the driving block about 255° rotation
(at 2 o´clock position) for clockwise direction. (See Fig. 12)
3. Insert 2 pins and set each length on top and bottom should be
same. (See Fig. 13)
4. Set the clutch handle with position 1 on top. (See Fig .14)
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
Ref. No. 2E
Procedure 2A
Assembly of the Switch.
Fig. 15
1. Press fit the lead wires firmly and set the black lead wire on top.
2. Connect the switch with the white and black lead wire at 55°
position. (See Fig .15)