PAN1781 Bluetooth Module
4 Regulatory and Certification Information
Module Integration Guide Rev. 1.1
Page 21 of 26
4.5 Japanese Radio Law Compliance
This device is granted pursuant to the Japanese Radio Law (
This device should not be modified (otherwise the granted designation number will
become invalid).
The following models are qualified for the Japanese market:
MIC ID: [R]202-DGJ063
Since the printable area on the PAN1781 is too small to show the MIC logo and the MIC ID, this
information is placed on the package and in the user information.
The package label shows the Giteki mark and the Radio Law sign with the MIC ID as depicted
Any product with the PAN1781 integrated and to be sold on the Japanese market has to display
the following statement on the product label:
End product Labelling Example
Contains MIC ID R 202-DGJ063