You can link together your X700 phone as a modem to a
computer or a PDA to access the Internet.
Link your phone and computer to access the Internet
To use the X700 phone as a modem there are three options;
connect using the infrared port, connect using Bluetooth
, or
connect using the Panasonic USB Data Cable (EB-UCX71). See
Accessories on page 166 for USB Data Cable information.
• Set up a dial-up account with an Internet Service Provider
• From your ISP, you need the installation CD or your account
details (i.e. dial-up number, user name, password, DNS server
addresses) to configure Dial Up Networking.
• When setting up your Internet account for the first time, select
X700 as the connecting modem device. For more details,
contact your ISP. For help using Windows
Dial Up
Networking, search Windows
Help files.
Install X700 as Modem on Computer
The following describes how to set up a computer to connect to
your X700. The procedure described may differ for other software
To install your phone as a modem on a computer, here is an
example. On the computer, select Start > Settings > Control Panel
> Modems > Add > Other > Don't detect my modem > Standard
33600 bps modem > Communications Port > Virtual Com Port.
For specific instructions on your computer's operating system,
refer to your computer's on-line help.
: This info may be on CD-ROM.
: If connecting with a data cable, select Com 1 in the
Communications Port field.