Panasonic CY-VM5899U Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 20

Summary of Contents for CY-VM5899U

Page 1: ...xe instructionscarefullybeforeusingthisproductaridsavethis wtral for futirrcuse Prihwtic Ikeccsinstructionsattcritivcriicntavantd utiliscrIclnotluitetcJardcr cc IH I HA pow I irtilisatiol ultBricrrrc...

Page 2: ...ricalshorts fire or other tlmaye Uuo to the extrme danger of accirlmits oce lrril g the driver mst not watch tho telc vision or virfcos while driving Uo not expose unit to direct siinlight or cxcf2s s...

Page 3: ...m cer taiffosr0gioffs ii lfeffty avoir ties rcstrictiousflffaflt aff lieff et h la faGoil d iffstaller cet atflfarcil Coiftactoz votrodittaillafftlloffr 11111s defIbtails I AHA EVITAHlit RIESGOBE SUFt...

Page 4: ...cinotccontrolunit I Battery ClQO 1 I7 l fl Can bc comctcd to the IN0 player CX IIVitOOU colort CI monitor Cl IN I player CY VMINOOOU videodeckandother vices Supptictitiartlwarc 1set 1 page36 e Warrant...

Page 5: ...iiiiJ and cxpcricncc Tobesafe askthesalesoutletwhereyoupur chasedtheunitto petformtheinstallation l intl the rnotiel iiurnbcr and serial number on either the back or l ottom of the unit Please recordt...

Page 6: ...J ati IcctcurCl WWBcraiico w Acristauxliquidcs CY VMIEIOOOU Auricplatinevidboct Acl autres apttareils QMatdricl d iitstallatioit 1c ise il lc t page 36 QCartedegaraiitie I fhttsiffttcs tlr s6cttrit6 3...

Page 7: ...lalis I cspaccpr vri ci tlcsso s Its mmihrosde nodhle et de sdrieinscrits soitAI arribrcsoit stir IcfonddeI appareil et decow servercemamiclcoiniticmdmoraiitlum tic I achatafiii degermettrcI irleiitif...

Page 8: ...1 Sef uecic coricctaral rcprotltictorWI CX OV OOtJ monitor I Cl cii coloi rcl rotltictor Cl I VO CY VMl 9OOOt platinatic videoy otrosaparatos 63Ilartlwrc suiriiiiistratlo 1jtrcyo 2bpliyirtalid 8 Tarjc...

Page 9: adquiribelaparatoquehayalaiiistalacibii frncctentrc cl nirnicrotic n odelo y cl nitnicrodeseric enlapattcposter ior0infcriot clclattnitlatl An6telos en cl eslmciodeabajoy gttartlcestemanuala inocio...

Page 10: ...talfor connectioncable ontheleftside __ 5 i A _ M IIIII IIIIoI MENU Usedto sclccttheVfI1inputselection 1 page13 lcct lHlttolls v A Usedto movethecursor 1 pages13 15 16 irttcrh ton liNTlilt Usedto tlet...

Page 11: ...rtled QIMtcty life Approxinlatcly6 monthswith nort ialuse atrooiii tci l c t irc Cmtion Improperme of batteriesmaycauseov rt atii anexplosionor ignition rcwltiriy in itijwy or a fire Hattclyleakage m...

Page 12: ...only in st i on itioll with tlm l arkin brake l llcrl WAf NlN will he lis lay l while tllo parking brake is not i a l m ss I owI t1 I llcSIANI BYitMcator lightsis yrccn Press I OWlilll agaittto switc...

Page 13: ...ltls WI 1 lNf 11 1 Sfil IiC f N AV I 3AI I0 N IMauJt VlfXO 1 hxs IAl or WI to selectanitm 9 I ICSS iiNTlitll to set V l f1 INI W til IXX VlI liO Noto If 110 operatiortis ltcrforwctl for IO scco tls tl...

Page 14: ...f B lb scrcctiis cxtctltlctl horizoiitallyto the aspect ratioof 16to 9 0 Thecxteiisioriratioincrcascstowardtherightanti leftcritlsof thescreen Note IIISOI IC cases thepicturelookstliffcretltfromthe or...

Page 15: ...Lj P 1 I rcss A or V to adjustbrightness t0 your prcfcrrcdlevel Nob 4 If 110 operatiorlis petformxl for 10 seconds the 1nctt0displayautoiiiaticnllydisalpzas I i...

Page 16: ...Al or VI to selectanitem I 73PressKNTtil lto set Settingrange 30to i 30 Qtlts st Ikfault 0 Scttir1g range 30to 1 30 Colas Default 0 Settingrange 30to 1 30 Tint Settingrange 30to I 30 Select I Select...

Page 17: ...crcascthecontrast IMwccn blackaridwhite fxtwcen blackandwhite COl Ofl 115 11111 111 1l11 1111lll lllltll direction I direction I iglitctithedepthof lkcl cti thedcptll of color color OH thedisplay 011...

Page 18: the WAltNlN statcmoilt al ovc 0 lrlcr tify andlabelthecarwires 0 Cormct the car wires to the wires of the powcr connector Ctmk theoperationof theunit If you ciicolii tcr f rottleins lh se consult...

Page 19: ...damage the cord by ftiiicliiittJ or pullingit Doilot pull or damagethecord If thecord is ilot treatedproperly it will sliort out or be severedantimaycausea fire or anaccitieiit r l c first stepiii in...

Page 20: ...tor I ZMM Checks 1 Makesurethat all wiresarc properlyconnected andiiistrlatcd 2 ftirn on the igdtion to checkthe tmit for proper opcratioih Grormtl Comiccttheblackgrouitdleadof thepowerCOIIIICC tor to...

Page 21: ...eof liffic tlty pleasecotisultyour nearestauthorizctlPanasonic Sctvicctitcr All otheritistallatiotitlletltotlsrcquircthew of tlctlicatcdmetalfittings Cottsttltwitha qttalificclsctvic itig ctigiticeror...

Page 22: parkirqf brake switchpositioiivaries tlcpcntiittyonthecarmodel Sirlohrakt lmkittg brako comxtioti load t c yctto strip Wtm thesidebrake parking brake leverispulled Otisteadlsgrounded bythecarchassi...

Page 23: ...viccs irt addition 68 Thecxtcrior tlcsigtl sl owtlfor the CA X 011differs fro0l that of the acttml product CY VMl 9OOOtJ IXWIAY UNIT HliAli Uisltlay i it co itrol wit corlncctiliycord CY VMl 9OOOU CQN...

Page 24: ...the problem we recommendthat you take it to youl nearestauthorizedPailasonicScrviccntcr I lic prod uctslioultl bescivicctiody byaqualifiedtechnician USC fusesof the samespecifiedrating 3 A Using tliff...

Page 25: ...the paneltheremaybe missingpixelsor constantlytight pixels Wasthesidebrake parkinghake leveretqayctl Is the side brake parkhg brake cormectionlead t l elyeltow 23 stripecolor connectcti Ifasthebatter...

Page 26: ...tiavc l otistiiiig granules because this coulddamagetttc sut faceof thewit Wticii the unit is ditty wipewith awctl wrtrny clothtliplml in a kitchencleanser neutral dilutedwith waterand ttlcti go over...

Page 27: ...0 Cto 40 C 1 f to1 6 l 20 Cto80 C 5 8 wide 5 127nirti P5 it4 tm 513 147 IllIll 280800pixels 231vcrticalx400 tiorizotitalx3 ransparetit colorfilter format Il I l liiii f ilniTransistor activematrixfor...

Page 28: Panasonic Sales Company Division of Matsushita Electric of Puerto Rico Inc PSC Ave 65 de Infanteria Km 9 5 San Gabriel Industrial Park Carolina Puerto Rico 00985 http www panasonic com Panasonic Ca...

Page 29: ...IRc d Elgin Il 001 2 i I iCk LII Dlol oit onlyi MASSACHUSETTS 60 C lacier Drive Suite C L t 5l ootl MA 02090 MICHIGAN 7048 Van Dyke Avenue Sterling Heights MI 4831 2 MINNESOTA 71150 I 2 A nue South Al...

Page 30: ...Just completethe attachedpostagepaidpostcardand drop it in the mail Wewill contactyou rom moreinformationaboutthe Customer are rp B tly with Ian R CALL l 800 087 2007 OFFERED AND ADMINISTERED BY Custo...

Page 31: ...oll free l 800 21 l 7262 to locate a PAX authorized Servicenter Carry in or mail in service in Puerto Rico can be obtained during the warranty period by calling the Panasonic Sales Company telephone n...

Page 32: ...listed below POUR LA RBPARATION DES APPAREILS Veuillez consulter votre d illant lequel pourra vous renseigner sur le centre de service le plus proche de votre domicile k notre service B la client e a...
