AJ-HPX3000 update procedure Oct.2008
Panasonic Corporation
If the upgrade is not successful, an error message will appear as follows.
If the power supply is shut down on the way to update or above error operation happens, turn the power OFF/ON
then restart the write function start again in a few minutes.
Remove the SD Card and turn the power supply of AC Adaptor OFF. Then power OFF the camera recorder and
power ON the power supply and camera recorder.
Power OFF/ON by the power SW of camera recorder does not work just after updating the software.
Please shut OFF the power supply.
The power OFF and ON of camera recorder is required for updating data renewal.
3. Confirm update
After you finish the update and power ON the unit, please use "P2 Status Logger" application software for making
sure the software update is done correctly.
To use "P2 Status Logger", please connect the unit to a PC with the USB 2.0 cable. The PC is needed to be
connected to the internet while running "P2 Status Logger".
Please refer to the operating instruction manual for "P2 Status Logger" for the detail information.
You need to be a member of "P2 Asset Support System" to download the "P2 Status Logger" software.
If you haven't been a member of "P2 Asset Support System" yet, please go to the URL below and make a
<P2 Asset Support System>
If it is difficult to access the internet or to make the registration, please check the firmware version according to the
item "1. Version information".
But it is strongly recommended to use "P2 Status Logger" for checking the update result to avoid a mistake.