- In the smoke outlet is via tubing only, at least three meters of vertical tubing are recommended.
commended that the pipes should reach the exterior exit.
duces the smoke to return into the fireplace. In case the chimney pipe is too big it' s re-
size should not be too big because this would cause the smoke to get too cold which pro-
Connect the first pipe of the smoke outlet to the insert with a minimum 40 mm overlap.
surrounding it must be of noncombustible material and/or be well insulated.
- The insert has to be installed at a site that supports its heavy weight and everything
- It is recommended to put a "hat on the last tube in case it reaches the exterior of your home.
- Install the tube connections carefully, the connections should be sealed with a refractory
to be complied with when installing the insert.
least one window that can be opened in the room where the insert will be installed.
- This insert must be installed in a well ventilated area. We recommend you have at
distance of 60cm.
heat like furniture, draperies, paper, clothing,... You should keep a minimum safety
- While the insert is functioning keep anything away from it that could be damaged by
- You must foresee accessibility for the cleaning of the insert, flue and chimney.
- If the installation is connected to a masonry chimney pipe we recommend that its internal
of joints, angles and deviations that could cause a malfunction of the insert.
putty to prevent soot from falling through the joints, until you reach the exterior exit.
- The insert may not be installed into a chimney system shared with other appliances.
All local regulations, including those referring to National and European standards, need
which exit the insert through a grill at the front.
and by ways of leaving a small area around the fireplace warm air streams are created
ted by recuperating the warmth generated on the outer walls of the combustion chamber
the vitroceramic glass and second by convection warmth. The convection warmth is genera-
The insert transmits warmth twofold: first by radiation warmth through the big surface of
woodstoves require an installation strictly in accordance with present legislation. Our
follow the usage and maintenance instructions.
For this reason, before installing our product you must read this manual carefully and
you to know how to correctly use your woodstove following the recommendations we set
products comply to the EN 13229 European norm, however it is very important for
You have purchased a PANADERO product. Apart from correct maintenance, our
- The installation of the smoke outlet must be as vertical as possible, avoiding the use
IMPORTANT: The installation of this insert has to be done by a qualified professional.
You have purchased a wood burning stove with a vermiculite insulated combustion chamber.
Do not remove the vermiculite boards!!!!!