Q: What is the difference between red and near-infrared
A: Both near-infrared light at 850 nm and red light at 660 nm have been designed to
improve cellular function. The main difference is that the skin tissues absorb the
red light, leading to enhance collagen production and skin health. Near-infrared
light at 850 nm is not visible to the human eye. It penetrates deeper tissue,
leading to benefits like increased reduced joint pain and muscle recovery.
Q: Why do the near-infrared LEDs on my RTL look like they
are not working?
A: The human eye can only see wavelengths of light up to 760nm on average. red
therapy uses a wavelength of 850 nm for the near-infrared LEDs, that a naked
human eye oannot observe.
Can I wear clothes when using the red light?
Yes, you can wear clothes, or you can be nude during the treatment. The only
thing that does matter is the specific area of the body you want to be treated is
fully exposed to the body. That area should not be covered by any clothing.
Q: Will the red light interface with the medications i use?
A: Many clinical studies and researches have proven that light therapy is effective
and safe.However, if you are using medications such as Retin A, Digoxin,
Tetracycline, or other photosensitizing drugs, we recommend you to consult your
healthcare provider or therapist before using the red light.
Q: Is it safe for children to use the red light?
A: Clinical studies have shown light therapy to be safe and have no side effects. But,
before using red light to children, contact your doctor.