EmStat3-MUX16 for OEM
EmStat3-MUX16 for OEM
MUX16 configurations
Possible sensor configurations are:
Sensor arrays with up to 16 working and 16 combined reference/counter electrodes
Sensor arrays with up to 16 working electrodes all sharing a reference and a counter electrode
Sensor arrays with up to 16 working electrodes sharing a combined reference/counter electrode
In these configurations the sensors or electrodes can be multiplexed, leaving the not-selected sensors at
open circuit when jumper J3 in not placed.
J3 is placed when the potential has to be applied to all working electrodes simultaneously
J1: RE to CE
Connects the CE and RE leads when placed. Place J1 when only a combined CE and RE is
applied. An alternative is to leave J1 open and always connect both the CE and RE leads to your
RE/CE electrode
J2: active
Jumper is always placed.
J3: (unselected WE) to AGND
Keeps all WE’s at applied potential when placed. If not placed only the selected WE has an
applied potential leaving not-selected WE’s at open circuit.
J4: (unselected WE) to standby potential
See section 3.3
Jumper settings for the available configurations:
Conf. 1: Sensor array with up to 16 working and 16 combined reference/counter electrodes:
Jumpers to be placed: J1 and J2
When J3 is also placed, the potential is applied to all working electrodes continuously.
Use pin 1, 3, 5 …. to 31 to connect all combined RE/CE electrodes.