- 10-
3.4.2 Important: You need to install a separate circuit breaker in all installations.
3.4-3: A Water Flow Switch must be installed to avoid plate heat exchanger broken.
A water flow switch must be installed at the water loop near the plate heat exchanger to protect the heat
exchanger and compressor.
3.4-4: Anti-freeze Function
DHW anti-freeze
When DHW water tank(IN1) temperature ≤ 5 ° C, system starts hot water antifreeze, start domestic hot water
mode and compressor, When hot water temperature is 20
or higher, withdraw DHW antifreeze. If the
compressor starts over 30 minutes, withdraw DHW antifreeze.
AC anti-freeze
Air conditioning inlet (IN2) or outlet (IN3) water temperature is 4 ° C or lower, system starts AC antifreeze,
water pump C4 and C6 start, check ambient temperature one minute later.
Ambient temperature ≤ 15 ° C, start compressor for heating
Ambient temperature ≥ 15 ° C, only turn on water pump C4 and C6
When the input water temperature ≥ 10 ° C or compressor operates over 30 minutes , withdraw AC antifreeze.
When anti-freezing, if water temperature reduced to 1 ° C or lower, machine will stop and error code
Pd display.
3.5-1: Preparations
Before commissioning, make sure compressor heater has already pre-heated for 3-10 minutes.
1) Compressor Heater
As mentioned above, if the temperature is lower than 20C, it is important that the compressor heater can heat
the compressor before the first start up. In order to ensure this happens, please follow the instructions below:
Disconnect the power connection of compressor, aux electric heater, circulation pump. (Due to anti-freeze
protection, the compressor, aux electric heater and circulation pump could start in stand-by status.
Switch on the outside Isolator and power connection of the unit.
After 3-10 minutes, switch off the outside Isolator and re-connect the power connection of compressor,
aux electric heater and circulation pump.
2) Filling and Venting
1.If water system control PCB IN5 is
connected with a short wire before, please
remove this short wire.
2.Connect 2 wires of the water flow
switch to IN5. Make sure they are
connected and fasten tightly.
Water Flow Switch