Pakon Part#124603-F
February 24, 2004
4. After cleaning the illumation bar, replace side cover and turn on.
Light Bulb Replacement -- Click to Watch Video
The light bulb will have a nominal life of 100 working days or longer, depending on cer-
tain variables. This number is based on the following assumptions:
6 working days per week
10 hours per day
Changing the light bulb does not require any special tools.
Replacing the Scanner Light Bulb
CAUTION: The lamp may be hot.
Allow the bulb to cool before attempting to replace it.
CAUTION: Use gloves when replacing the scanner light bulb. Fingerprints can damage
the light bulb.
VORSICHT: Die Lampe kann heiß sein. Lassen Sie die Glühlampe abkühlen, bevor Sie sie austauschen.
Berühren Sie die Scanner-Glühlampe nur mit Handschuhen. Fingerabdrücke können die Glühlampe