Pakedge® WR-1 Wireless Router with BakPak® Lite
BakPak for every size home
With BakPak, we are making it easier for you to deliver first-class customer service to every customer. With the addition of the WR-1
Wireless Router to the lineup of BakPak-included Pakedge products, you now have the flexibility to deliver BakPak to any size project,
big or small. The addition of BakPak into every home will help you keep your customers happy with better insight and more control over
their networks.
Complete network management and monitoring with BakPak
BakPak is a powerful remote management and monitoring system designed to help you proactively manage, monitor, configure,
and troubleshoot your customer’s network. With BakPak, you can eliminate service calls and save your company time and money
by integrating BakPak into every project. BakPak offers a portfolio of management, configuration, and monitoring tools to help you
keep your customer’s network running smoothly. The complete portfolio of BakPak network management and monitoring features is
available on the RK-1 Router and NK-1 Wireless Controller and built in at no additional cost.
Understanding BakPak in a project
With the introduction of BakPak in the WR-1, we are making it easier to put BakPak into every size home. However, not every home
requires the full sophistication of features that BakPak has to offer. Looking for a quick and easy tool to remotely configure and monitor
the customer’s network from a single network device? With the WR-1, we have you covered. For full remote management, monitoring,
and configuration over your entire customer’s network and IP-connected devices—including automation, smart lighting, entertainment,
and climate control—you’ll need the RK-1 Router or the NK-1 Wireless Controller with BakPak.