152-319-100-02, Revision 02
Appendix A - Specifications
H2TU-C-319 List 1 and List 1C
April 21, 2000
System Alarm Output Pin
Pin H on the card-edge connector (see
) is the H2TU-C-319 System Alarm output pin. The
following notes apply to Pin H:
Pin H replaces the Local Loss of Signal (LLOS) on normal high-density (3192) repeaters.
The normally floating output of Pin H can connect to pin 1 of the 1184 or 3192-9F Alarm Card in position 29
of the High Density (HD) shelf.
The H2TU-C forces pin H to +5 Vdc (maximum of 10 mA) for a system alarm condition. Pin H then remains
at +5 Vdc for the duration of the alarm condition.
If the Wescom 1184 Alarm Card is installed in the shelf, its LOS LED lights for every MNRALM.
The H2TU-C Status LED flashes red for the duration of a system alarm condition.
Setting the ALM option to DIS only prevents the system alarm bus on Pin H from being activated for a system
alarm event. The Status LED still flashes red and the ALRM message still displays.
shows the pinout for the craft port connector and its connection to a DB-9 or DB-25 connector on a
maintenance terminal.
Figure 28.
RS-232 Craft Port Pinouts
Pin H must never be taken above +5 Vdc or below -60 Vdc.