Using the Maintenance Terminal
150-402-102-01, Revision 01
July 27, 1998
HRU-402 List 2
Loopback Menu
The loopback menu only appears if the HRU-402 List 2 is connected to an:
HLU-231 List 7B or List 8x
HLU-319 List 5x
HLU-388 List 5x
All other HLU types do not allow loopbacks to be initiated from the remote
unit Craft port.
HiGain systems also have several special loopback options that are set at the
HLU. Refer to the specific technical practice for the HLU used in your
configuration for more details.
DS0 Blocking
Indicates status of DS0 blocked channels and identifies the channels that
have been blocked (using “xx” symbols underneath each blocked
channel). A
setting indicates no channels are blocked. A
setting indicates some channels are blocked.
Margin Alarm
Indicates the settings for the margin alarm thresholds.
Remote (DS1
LOS) Alarm
Indicates whether a LOS (Loss of Signal) at the HRU DS1 input will
generate an AIS and Alarm or LOS and no Alarm condition at the HLU.
Indicates whether the Bipolar Violation Transparency option is enabled or
Alarm (ALM)
Indicates whether the Alarm Pattern option is set to AIS or LOS.
Table 8.
System Settings Fields and Descriptions (Continued)
Field Description